
Discover our product solutions for onshore and offshore wind turbines.

19,781 views September 07, 2021
EnVentus Final Installation

Prototype installation video

16,722 views February 05, 2021
V174 Installation

8,806 views February 03, 2021
4 MW Platform

Our 4 MW platform is designed for a broad range of wind and site conditions, onshore and offshore, enabling you to mix turbines across your ...

24,483 views December 04, 2020
EnVentus™ platform - Connecting certainty with...

EnVentus™ represents the next generation in the evolution of wind turbines. It is the platform architecture from which new variants will arise.

743 views June 11, 2019
2 MW V120 2 兆瓦平台

20,681 views April 24, 2017
2 MW platform - making wind work harder

With the introduction of two larger rotors to their 2 MW platform, Vestas unlocks valuable new opportunities for parks with medium to ultra-low regime...

8,986 views March 20, 2012
2 MW-Class wind turbines

Vestas 2 MW platform provide industry-leading business case certainty and leaves nothing left to doubt.

7,445 views August 24, 2011
V100-1.8 MW

The V100-1.8 MW is optimised for onshore sites with low wind.